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Get-Together Friday (Mar 10)

Austin Bloggers will be having their annual pre-SXSW Interactive informal dinner get-together Friday, March 10. You do not need to be an SXSW attendee to attend, but if you are you may find it a convenient opportunity to pick up your badge at the Convention Center and then join us for dinner.

Out-of-town visitors are welcome. Just stop on by and look for the table of geeks.

Here are the details:

Friday, March 10
6:00 p.m.
Mongolian Grille
117 San Jacinto


Hey Chip,

I'd like to invite you and the Austin bloggers to our Buzznet party which is happening later in the night of your meetup.

If you'd like to get on the guest list, please rsvp to me at tony@buzznet.com

free drinks, free wifi, interesting bloggers

consider it the austin blogger afterparty, if you will.

either way youve gotta get on the guest list to attend, so email me if you guys would like to come.

This post is included in Austinist's best of the Austin blogs for this week.